When your health and safety call for emergency measures, Western medicine has a lot to offer. But when you're dealing with chronic health problems and you don't just want to treat symptoms, there are other solutions.
New Balance Wellness seeks to promote healing from the inside out by encouraging:
New Balance Wellness seeks to promote healing from the inside out by encouraging:
- Better nutrition and lifestyle choices, supporting the physical body. I provide guidance in these areas through either my hair mineral analysis or my bioenergetic coaching services. All of my services are provided remotely, meaning you never need to leave home for help!
- Assessment and correction of the body's control system. This directs the communication and energy flow of the body, guiding the body's chemical actions. Without this kind of correction, nutrition and lifestyle alone often fail to provide the wellness you're looking for. See my bioenergetic services to learn more.
- Personal, inner development that helps one gain control over thoughts and emotions. This is an even deeper foundation to our health; our thoughts and emotions can distort or correct our information fields, and through this can alter our health. For those who are interested, my coaching sessions can explore this inner work.
Summary of Services
Nutrition via Hair Mineral Analysis:
Bioenergetic Services: